What is a Pre-Poo and why you should have a Pre-Poo Routine?

Having a haircare routine is a must if the goal is to have healthy, full and even long hair. Although the usual wash day is great at making hair clean, moisturized and ready for styling, there are other bonuses you can afford your hair just so your wash day is better and your hair less stressful to work with.

If you are in need of a great solution, stick around as we discuss what a pre-poo really means for your hair in the long run.

What is a pre-poo?

A pre-poo is an abbreviation of the term pre-shampoo. It simply means a treatment that is applied on hair before the actual shampoo process. Think of it as a protective layer that shields your hair from the effects of having “squeaky clean” hair.

The benefits of a pre-poo

  • It helps add extra moisture to hair thus protecting oils from getting lost during washing. This is helpful because sometimes shampoos can be so harsh stripping hair and a conditioner may not be able to fully restore all the moisture back.
  • Softens, shines and adds vibrancy to once dull, brittle hair.
  • It boosts the effectiveness of conditioners as the hair is not too dry.
  • Makes it easier to detangle your hair due to the added slip.

Types of pre-poos

The rules do not really apply when it comes to pre-poos. All you need really, is to understand what works for you in terms of moisture retention in your hair and how far you are willing to go to make the best combination.

Pre-poo oils.

As far as oils go, you can use one or as many as you like. Additionally, you can opt to turn these oils into hot oil treatments for an even more effective finish.

Some of the best oils to use when pre-pooing include;

  • Avocado oil.
  • Coconut oil.
  • Olive oil.
  • Argan oil.
  • Almond oil.
  • Grapeseed oil.

These oils should be pure virgin oils (the ones you can still use in the kitchen). You can also add essential oils and herbs for medicinal values as a way to address any scalp issues you might have.

When using oils as hot oil treatments, here’s what not to do;

  • Do NOT warm these oils on direct fire or in a microwave so you don’t compromise the quality or kill off essential nutrients.
  • Do NOT apply the oils on your scalp if they are still too hot. Wait for them to cool down first to avoid injuries on your scalp.

If you are looking for a ready made Pre-poo oil or hot oil treatment then look no further than Full Bloom Beauty's Deliverance. It is specially formulated with 10 oils and 10 ayurvedic herbs that strengthen and nourish your hair and scalp to boost hair growth, reduce shedding and promote healthy hair.

Pre-poo butters.

Although not preferable to oils, butters can be a good way to pre-poo your hair. Melt your favourite butter(s) over a water-filled pot in a bowl. Do not place the butter on direct fire as this may compromise the quality of your butters by killing off essential nutrients in them.

Here are the butters to look out for;

  • Mango butter.
  • Shea butter.
  • Cocoa butter.
  • Hempseed butter.

As usual they should be 100% pure virgin butters and can also be boosted by the addition of a few essential oils.

DIY pre-poos.

Apart from oils and butters,  Aloe Vera, avocado, bananas, eggs and coconut milk are also used for DIY Pre-poos depending on your preference or hair concerns. However they can be time consuming to prepare and get right.  

How to Pre-poo

To maximise on your pre-poo, follow these steps:

  1. Divide your hair in sections that are comfortable for you.
  2. Apply your pre-poo of choice focussing on the ends mostly because they are the driest. Do not be shy to apply on the scalp either because the oils in the pre-poo will lift any dirt on the scalp (plus you will wash it out anyway).
  3. Use the slip to finger detangle gently a section at a time. You can also use a detangling brush if you are comfortable, twisting the detangled sections away.
  4. Wrap your hair up with a plastic cap.
  5. You can choose to sit under a hooded dryer/ deep conditioning cap for at least half an hour. It’s also okay to leave it in for hours before washing or even overnight.
  6. Rinse off the pre-poo in warm water and get ready for your shampoo.

How frequent should I Pre-poo?

It solely depends on how dry your hair feels. But generally, at least once a week every wash day would suffice. There truly are no rules when it comes to pre-poos but washing curly hair should be limited to weekly since the hair does not get as dirty as other hair types.


The benefits of a good pre-poo are not limited to any type of hair or porosity. The idea of having great hair starts by identifying a routine that works for you. Keep in mind that there are pre-poos in the market that meet the specifications of what you’d like but since pre-poos are flexible, a DIY can work just fine too.

Additionally, you are also allowed to use your deep conditioner mixed with your favourite oils as your pre-poo. When it’s all said and done, the most important thing is your hair’s health and how hard your work towards retaining more moisture in your hair.

Finally, although you can use a pre-poo even twice a week, beware of moisture overload that can cause your hair to look limp and stringy. 

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